Angler of the year

2023 Anglers of the yearS

splitting the title with a tie

Jim Cecelic & John Mcrae


  • Angler of the Year is awarded to the "Angler" that accumulates the most points at the end of the club year. (Oct. 1,2024 - Sept. 30,2025)

  • All fish must be caught according to I.G.F.A. Rules & FWC Recreational Regulations.

  • All fish must be caught within a 100 mile straight line distance from the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. North to the St John’s river, South to Wabasso beach park.

  • All fish must be weighed by the Weigh Master, by a personal scale provided that the scale has been certified by the Weigh Master, the State, IGFA or weighed at a Club Certified Weigh Station.

  • All Submissions must use an Official H.S.F.C. Weigh Slip (including all "released" fish, weigh slips of other recognized tournaments are accepted).

  • Anglers must provide a Clear & Identifiable picture of each fish caught. Multiple fish can be in 1 photo, but (1) weigh slip for each fish is required. No multiple fish on slip.

  • All weigh slips must be submitted within 7 days of the catch (date on picture) Please make sure the “date stamp” is turned on in camera settings.

  • Maximum of 10 weigh slips for each species per Club year will be used to calculate points.

  • Any fish to be considered for a "new club record" must be witnessed by a board member. Points for new club record will be awarded at end of tournament year.

  • All Marlin, Sailfish, Tarpon and Shark will be scored on a release basis. For the club record purposes, the total number of all weigh slips for each species caught in a single day will be used. (You may exceed the 10 weigh slip restriction for club record but you will only receive points for first 10 slips.

  • All Redfish, Red Snapper and Snook must be within "slot" for species (FWC Recreational Regulations).

  • An electronic weigh slip may be submitted on the club website ( located on the weigh master tab link.

  • HSFC encourages "catch and release", however, any fish may be kept provided it was legally caught under state and federal laws.

  • Inshore Slam is Trout, Redfish and Tarpon. Offshore Slam is Dolphin, Wahoo, and King Mackerel.


  • 5 Points for Each Weigh or Release Slip

  • 15 Points for Each Slip for a Fish of the Month

  • 100 Points for 20 Different Species caught/Year

  • 100 Points for Heaviest Fish of the Year

  • 100 points for "SLAM" Inshore/Offshore

  • 200 Points for a New Club Record


Angler of the Year: 1st - 5th Plaque & $$

Junior Angler: 1st - 3rd Plaque & prize

Overall Heaviest Fish: Certificate

Heaviest per Species: Certificate